Where you enter your name, instead of entering your name, enter LMA2003A.
No Yellow or Red Cards
Enter this code as your name: LMA3TLYDZM.
Tactics and Training Auto
Enter this code as your name: LMA3IFTEAF.
Rainbow Ball Trail
Enter this code as your name: LMA3DDYIVZ.
Free Players
Enter this code as your name: LMA3RFIMBF.
All players 90%
Enter this code as your name: LMA3YPJFDC.
Aggresssive Players
Enter this code as your name: LMA3LWRRSU.
Players Always Happy
Just enter this code as your name DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY.
Players get better by training
Enter the following code as your name: LMA3PVARKV.
Faster players
Enter the following code as your name: LMA3OKTOOY.
Win all Games
Enter the following code as your name: LMA3CZIREA.
Free Players
Enter the following code as your name: LMA3HKAFLG.
Players Don't Age
Enter the following code as your name: LMA3TYKCAF.
Players heal in 1 Day
Enter the following code as your name: LMA3ZUPRKV.
Instant Stadium
Enter the following code as your name: MA3UYRDLS.
Low Gravity Ball
Enter the following code as your name: LMA2003B.